Our Insights
Relevant Content and a Bit of Privacy—Are Customers Asking Too Much?
By failing to define what “engagement” means for their target audience and developing a win-win situation where organizational and user goals are both met, businesses perpetuate a downward spiral trying to amass clicks, likes, and newsletter signups.
Trust and the User Experience: How User Perceptions of Data Privacy and Security Affect Your Business
Recently, trust—or the violation of trust—has been a big topic. From data breaches to the misleading use of customer data, consumers are starting to take notice. When does that awareness start to impact your business? When your customers’ behaviors change as a result of their lack of trust.
How UX Can Improve Information Security
Many organizations don’t understand that digital security is a human problem. That means we can’t solve it by building bigger and bigger barricades. We have to understand humans: their behaviors, goals, and motivations.