Our Insights
Have You Defined the Right UX Metrics?
While UX metrics can and should be used to define a UX return on investment (ROI), their most important role is in helping your team focus on what you need to do to improve your product, make informed UX decisions, and ultimately meet your business goals.
Trust is a Critical Customer Experience Metric: Determine How Perceptions of Data Privacy and Security Affect Your Business
Because lack of trust is beginning to change customers’ behaviors in the digital space, it’s a leading indicator of an institution’s overall health—especially if your digital product is your business. That means measuring and optimizing this customer experience metric is more important than ever.
Nonprofit Guide to Online Engagement: Do These Things First
Nonprofit digital “engagement” is an overused buzzword that often lacks any meaning. There is a Venn diagram where your organization’s goals are in the left circle, your personas’ are in the right, and engagement is the overlap in the middle.
How a Usability Study Can Help Marketing Websites Increase Conversions and Decrease Waste
If your company’s marketing website is experiencing decreased conversions and increased waste, it’s typically because of the following three key areas: lack of relevant content/information, confusing content/information, and/or features that can’t or won’t be used.